Interview With Jessica E. Subject

Author Spotlight: Jessica E. Subject

1. Tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been writing? What genre do you write?
Thank you so much to S.E. Smith for inviting me to meet your newsletter readers! I write sci-fi romance as well as other romance stories under the name Jessica E. Subject. I live in a small city in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, and enjoy going to fitness class and walking my Great Pyranees/Retriever when I’m not reading, writing, or spending time with my family. I started writing when I was in grade eight, but not for publication until eight years ago, when I was on maternity leave with my son.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?
The first book in grade eight was an assignment for an educational enrichment program. Many years later, the first book I wrote for publication was inspired by a dream I had to get onto paper.

3. Where do you get your inspiration from?
My inspiration comes from everything around me. It could be a conversation with a friend, an overheard conversation, a news story, something I read on the internet, a song, a dream, or a random thought that simply popped into my mind.

4. Where/When do you do the most of your writing?
Most of my writing occurs in the afternoon, after lunch and before I have to pick up my children from school. The where varies depending on what season it is, and any other possible distractions. I’m more likely to be in my office in the summer, as it’s cooler in that room, or sitting on the love seat in the winter with my computer on my lap. Sometimes you can even catch me writing in a notebook in my vehicle while I’m waiting for my kids.

5. What do you think has been your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment changes every time I try something new. When I first started writing, it was simply being published. Then it was writing a series and finishing it. In November 2016, I tried NaNoWriMo for the first time. While I didn’t meet the 50,000 word goal, I wrote over 40,000 words, which is a record for me. I finished one story, and started another. Next year, I hope to try it again, and beat my record.

6. Who has influenced your writing the most?
Every author I have read has influenced my writing, regardless of what genre they write. I quickly learn what I like, and what I don’t like. Two of my high school English teachers (Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Faulds) have also influenced my writing.

7. Do you have a favorite author?
I find it so hard to choose just one author, as I have read books from so many fabulous authors in my life. So, I’m just going to share some of the authors whose books are on my immediate to-read pile: Deborah Cooke, Cara Bristol, Kelley Armstrong, Melissa West, Anna Hackett, Melissa Landers, Veronica Scott, Kimberly Derting, and of course, S.E. Smith.

8. Is there anything that you find particularly challenging in your writing?
I find it hard to leave the worlds I write in when I have to stop and join the real world again. I get so lost in them, the characters, and their emotions, that it takes me a few minutes to reacquaint myself with the world around me.

9. Do you have any advice for other authors?
Write what you love, and always be willing to learn something new, whether in technique, or industry related.

10. Describe your latest WIP
I have two works in progress waiting for my attention. One is a new adult interracial romance that occurs during a zombie apocalypse. It was a story that imbedded itself in my mind, and wouldn’t let go until I had it written down. The second is JAGER, the second book in my Galactic Defenders sci-fi adventure romance series. Both stories are written, but need to go through revisions and edits.

11. How can readers reach you?
I love to hear from readers! You can reach me by email: and at any of the following places:

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  1. Cara Bristol says:

    Thank you for the mention, Jessica. I’ve really enjoyed watching your career grow. The first book of yours that I read was a 1NS story, Celestial Seduction–it hooked me on the 1NS series, and inspired me to submit a story (which was accepted and published) and I got to know editor Kate Richards–who became my editor when I went Indie.

    1. My pleasure, Cara! Yes, Celestial Seduction was my debut story. 🙂 And I’m so glad you are writing SFR now!

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