SE Smith New Release Calendar

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  1. Rhonda says:

    [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (checkbox) *]
    When is Rorrak’s Revenge being released?

    1. admin says:

      Roark’s Revenge: Zion Warriors Book 3 will be out late in 2018.
      ~ Narelle

      1. Denise says:

        This never happened

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Hi Denise. I’m not sure what never happened, but if it is a missing book, it is coming! I’m writing as fast as I can!

  2. Liz says:

    [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (checkbox) *]
    When will More books in the Zion Warriors series be released? I have been waiting to read about the next characters and the plot with the New Order and the Alluthans.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Liz. I plan on writing the next book in the Zion this fall.

      1. Bettina Gleghorn says:

        Just wondering if a book on Arrow will ever come out?
        The last brother.
        Thank you

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Hi Bettina. I haven’t released Arrow’s book yet. I’m working on my list! It is a long one. 😛

  3. Desilu says:

    Hi, I’m in love with the Alliance series! When is the next release planned so I know how patient I need to be? ^_^

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      First of the year. LOL. I’m catching up this year on some of the series that needed some TLC. <3

      1. Jodie says:

        Eagerly awaiting… 😀

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Happy New Year, Jodie. Thank you so much!! <3

      2. Elizabeth Easterson Jones says:

        I am looking for jags target from the alliance series. Did you write it? I use Audible.

  4. Candice waldron says:

    When will Karmen’s Jane comming out? And the next curizan and sarafin warriors books.

    1. admin says:

      Jarmin’s Jane Doe will be out at the end of this year as well as the Dark Prince’s Prize: Curizan Warriors Book 3 (Adalard’s story).
      Heart of the Cat: Sarafin Warriors Book 3 (Adalard’s story) will be released on October 9 as a full length novel in the Pets in Space anthology.

  5. Gussie Willis says:

    When will book 4 gliese 581g be released?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Gussie, I hope to have the next book in teh Gliese series out late this year. This will be Julia’s story.

      1. Ruth says:

        Hello! When will Honor Bound: Project Gliese 581g Book 4 be out? I love this series!

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Hi Ruth. Yay!! I love this series as well. I’m hoping to get the next book in the series out this year. I only have two more to write!

  6. Olga Rodriguez says:

    When will the next “Dragon Lords of Valdier” book come out? I have read all of that series plus the Kassis and the Sarafin. Love them all

    1. admin says:

      Thank you, Olga!! ❤️. There are no Dragon Lords books coming out soon but Susan does have new Sarafin, Curizen, and Zion Warriors on her writing schedule.
      Cheers Narelle

      1. Florence Lewis says:

        Hi I have been rereading the Alliance books, can you tell me when Jag’s Target will be published.

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Hi Florence (again. LOL). Jag’s is planned for this next year. I do have a surprise, though!There is a short Day-in-the-Life story with Jessie and Hunter in my November magazine!

  7. Neena says:

    Greetings , may I know when will ‘next in human’ series books come out after the initial book Ella and the beast ? Thank you

    1. admin says:

      Hi Neena, I do not have a release date for the next in series although Mitchell has started talking to me.

  8. Kristy says:

    Hi, It looks like saving runt was released in July 2018 but I can’t find it, do you know where I can purchase it?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Kristy, Saving Runt is coming out July 30, 2019. I had a few mishaps (broken bones, hurricanes, exhaustion, LIFE who has since been banned from my existence if he doesn’t get his act together). The good news is the story totally rocks and is LONG! It is available for preorder now.

  9. Suzanne says:

    Hello. I wanted to tell you I love all of your books. I have almost every one. Some of the series I’ve read several times and I’m just reading them again in order and any that I’ve missed I’ll be adding them to my collection. Thank you. I’ll be waiting for the new release on July 31st.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Thank you so much, Suzanne! I’m thrilled that you are enjoying the stories as much as I do!

  10. LORRAINE says:


    1. S.E. Smith says:

      LOL. Thank you, Lorraine. I’m doing my best! I have to laugh when I pat myself on the back so pleased when I finish a story and I get a message from a reader that reads a WHOLE like faster than not only can I read, but write. I keep working on that machine that can download straight from my brain, but it doesn’t work very good. I keep getting an ID10T error message!

  11. Tana says:

    I just love The Alliance Books. When Jags Target come out? I can’t seem to find it.

    1. admin says:

      Hi Tana, Jag is on Susan’s list to write in 2020.Cheers Narelle

      1. KiruChan says:

        it is 2022 now and i can’t find it. I really hope she finishes this series because I really love her ability to create bad ass chicks

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          I love my characters. They are all the perfect balance off strong and vulnerable. ❤️💖

  12. Teresa Flores says:

    Looking for The Dark Prince’s Prize, just saw it on your website, when will it be out, as well as Rourke’s Revenge or was it Rourke’s Attack.

    1. admin says:

      The Dark Prince’s Prize and Rorrak’s Revenge are on Susan’s short list and will be out in the next couple of months.
      Cheers Narelle

      1. Amy Keith says:

        It has been 4 months. Any update?

        1. admin says:

          Hi Amy, there are no release dates for Susan’s books in 2020 however here is the short list of upcoming releases Susan has planned:
          * A Pirate’s Wish: A Seven Kingdoms Tale Book 7
          * The Monster’s Caress: A Seven Kingdoms Tale Book 8
          * Dark Prince’s Prize: Curizan Warriors Book 2 (Adalard)
          * Rorrak’s Revenge: Zion Warriors Book 3
          * Jarmin’s Jane Doe: Lords of Kassis Book 5
          * Waking a Golden Goddess: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 12 (Aikaterina)

          1. C. Thomas says:

            Any more of the “More than Human” series in the plans? Loved Ella & the Beast!

          2. admin says:

            Mitchell’s Untamed Mate is the next book in the More than Human series but we don’t have a release date for it yet.
            Cheers Narelle

  13. Aussie Wills says:

    Glises 581g, when will we get it. Love your books.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Thank you so much!! I love this series. Julia’s story is next. I hope to have it done by April 2020.

      1. Dominique says:

        Are still getting Julia‘a story this year?

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          I’m going to be working on it toward the end of the year hopefully. Life is too full at the moment, even in quarantine!

      2. Sarah Smith says:

        still waiting on the next cosmos gateway ravs woman any update on that books release please

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Hi Sarah. There are more stories coming in Cosmos Gateway series but I don’t have release dates for you at the moment.
          Cheers, Narelle

  14. Gussie Wills says:

    Would like to know when Gliese 581g will be out?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Gussie, I hope to have the next book out by April of next year.

      1. Gussie Wills says:

        Hi, I’m wondering if Project Gliese Honor Bound will be out this month or not? Its such a good series.

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Hi Gussie. You have totally captured my heart with your comment. I love this series. I’m running behind on my writing so Julia’s story won’t be out this month. I’m working on catching up. I feel like that is the story of my life lately. 😛 Quarantine is nice—but it also leads to more distractions when everyone is in the same place instead of going about with their daily lives.

    2. Gussie Willis says:

      Hello, I’m hoping Project Gliese Honor Bound will be out this month.

      1. S.E. Smith says:

        Hi Gussie. I’m writing behind on my writing. I’m working on catching up. At the moment, I don’t have a release date for Honor Bound.

  15. Micah says:

    Hi I would love to know when “the magic shell” is being released

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Micah. I have The Magic Shell coming out December 10th. There won’t be a preorder for this one.

  16. Eila says:

    Will Trig and Beth have their story coming out soon?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Eila. I’ll be writing Jag’s story first which will bring us back to Earth and Trig and Beth. <3

  17. Susan Gil says:

    Hi! I’ve been listening to The Alliance series and it is such a great series! Thank you! Can you tell me when Jag’s Target will be released?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Susan, Jag is on my list for this year. I have a few books ahead of him, but am going to stay focused — I hope! LOL.

    2. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Susan, Look for Jag’s story toward the end of this year. I have a few ahead of his story to finish first.

  18. Linnea says:

    Any guesses on when Saving Runt will be available in Audiobook? It seems the only way I can “read” any more with life’s crazy schedule.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Linnea, Yes! Runt will be out in audiobook on March 18, 2020. I know exactly what you mean about life’s crazy schedule! Groan….

  19. Marsha says:

    I’ve really enjoyed the spirit pass books. Am looking forward to Maikoda’ Gift. Do you know when it will be out?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Marsha,I don’t have a firm release date yet. I will tell you that I haven’t forgotten about Maikoda!

  20. Rowena says:

    I love the series cosmos’ gateway

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Thank you, Rowena! There are more to come in that series. <3

      1. M T Smith says:

        When is book 8 from cosmo series coming out?

        1. admin says:

          I’m sorry but we don’t have a date for the next book yet. Upcoming stories after The Monster’s Caress are:
          * Dark Prince’s Prize: Curizan Warriors Book 2 (Adalard)
          * Rorrak’s Revenge: Zion Warriors Book 3
          * Jarmin’s Jane Doe: Lords of Kassis Book 5
          * Waking a Golden Goddess: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 12 (Aikaterina)
          Cheers, Narelle

  21. Carole mcguire says:

    When will roarks revenge be published

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Carole. I have two more books (The Monster’s Caress and The Dark Prince’s Prize) to write before I Rorrak’s Revenge. Not much longer!!

  22. Mlee says:

    Can I get an update on Runt’s audiobook. Your comment says March 18 2020. I can’t find it. Please don’t say because of the coronavirus. Is there any chance for you will get back to more Dragonlords, Kassis, Curizan, Dragonlings, Alliance, Zion. It’s been too long. I’m so bored here. I can’t be the only one.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Mlee, I received a message from the distributor for Runt’s audiobook. They are fast tracking it due to it slipping through the cracks when they moved some of their employees to working from home because of the virus. It should be out any day. I’ll post when it goes live.

  23. Jo Anne says:

    I love your books! Thank you for sharing your gift. Your books take me away during these difficult times.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Thank you so much, Jo Anne. Virtual hugs!

  24. Shelley says:

    When is The Dark Prince Prize available, Also second book to More than Human series . Are looking forward to both of these.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Shelley. I’ll be writing The Dark Prince’s Prize next. Mitchell’s Untamed Mate will be later this year.

  25. Sharon says:

    When is your next book coming out after Alexandru’s Kiss?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Sharon, no release date yet, but Benjamin will be next.

  26. Mary E Johnson says:

    I truly enjoyed all of your books. The Dist series took me by surprise as it’s YA. Now, I’m stuck on looking for the next sequel. ☺

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      LOL. Hi Mary! Dust was one of those sleeper stories that took me by surprise. I fell in love with not only the storyline, but the characters. I can’t tell you the number of readers who have read his story and fallen in love with him, Sammy, Todd, Josie, and the others.

  27. Karin says:

    when is Rorrak’s Revenge coming out.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Rorrak’s story is 1.5 books away!

  28. Gussie Willis says:

    Hi, i’m wondering when the Glieses 581g book four will be out? I know it is going to be awesome as all your books have been.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Gussie. Thank you so much!! I love the Gliese’s series. I hope to have Honor Bound out early next year.

  29. Sandra says:

    Do you know were I can find pets in space? I have number 4 but I want the rest. I have looked on kindle,barns and noble,goodreads,amazon.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Sandra. The previous Pets in Space are no longer available. The anthology is written to help and generally is available from October-March of each each. After that, the participating authors generally release the stories on their own.

  30. Erin B. says:

    Is there a timeline for when Bahadur and Toni’s story will be coming out as part of the Curizan Warrior series? Bahadur is my favorite Curizan character and probably the most anticipated story for me. Any details to give me some hope that his story will be coming soon.

    1. admin says:

      Hi Erin. Susan’s next book in the Curizan Warriors series is Adalard’s story, The Dark Prince’s Prize.
      Cheers, Narelle

  31. Angela Giles Knopp says:

    What happened to The Leopard and the Lioness? Did it get published?

    1. admin says:

      This is on Susan’s to be written list. Her next releases after The Monster’s Caress are:
      * Dark Prince’s Prize: Curizan Warriors Book 2 (Adalard)
      * Rorrak’s Revenge: Zion Warriors Book 3
      * Jarmin’s Jane Doe: Lords of Kassis Book 5
      * Waking a Golden Goddess: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 12 (Aikaterina)
      Cheers, Narelle

    2. Tualla says:

      I agree with Ms. Knopp. When will the books come out?

      1. S.E. Smith says:

        I’m working on the stories. I don’t have a firm release date on releases yet. I’m being kind to my mental health. Once I get a handle on the stories, I’ll have a better idea.

  32. Gussie says:

    With so much time on my hands I am really looking forward to just relaxing with Gliese 581g series book 4. Is their and estimated time?

    1. admin says:

      I am sorry but there is no update on the next book.

  33. Sara Clariday says:

    I really enjoy your books. I would like to know If Seal and maybe Morgan have a story to share.
    I really like that series. My absolute favorite was Karc and Skitter.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Sara, Yes, there will definitely be more stories, including Seal! I’ll be writing Rorrak’s story next.

  34. Patricia Concannon says:

    I have never had as much fun reading as I have with reading Dragon Lords of Valdier series. Anxiously waiting for a new one, and over Anxiously waiting for books 4 and 5 of Project Gliese. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with us.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Thank you, Patricia! I promise I haven’t forgotten Julia and Mai’s stories for the Gliese series. <3 They are on my list to write.

  35. Rosemarie says:

    When will Jag’s Target be released?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Look for Jag’s Target this coming year (2021).

  36. Rosemarie says:

    When will the alliance book Jag’s Target be released?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Rosemarie. Look for Jag’s story early next year (2021). I’m finishing up several stories in my other series first.

      1. Jacquelyn says:

        Will it be coming out in audibles at the same time

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          I’m hoping to have the audiobooks out at the same time. My narrator is usually booked up months in advance, but he has been working very hard to ‘slip’ me in when he can.

  37. Cindy says:

    Just finished listening to Survivor Skills (Project Gliese Series) will there be a book 4 ? Thank you

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Cindy. Thank you and yes!! Honor Bound will focus on Julia’s story, but you will see all of the previous characters in it. The last book will be New World which is Mai’s story.

      1. Anna says:

        I was so excited to read this! Thank you for creating and continuing.

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Hugs, Anna. Thank you for your patience!

  38. Linda L. Fey says:

    When is Jag’s Target is coming out

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Linda. You can expect Jag’s story out early summer 2021. I’m working on finishing a couple of stories first.

  39. Fiona says:

    Hi Susan, I love all of your books and have read every one of them several times. I am eagerly awaiting your next release. Will there be a sequel to Gracie’s Touch?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Fiona. Krac’s Firebrand is the second book and I’ll be working on the third book shortly! It will be out this year.

  40. Tonya Iles says:

    I can’t wait for Alice and balint’s store ???? so cute

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      LOL. I feel for their parents—the dads, anyway.

  41. Tonya Iles says:

    Roam and spring story?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      LOL. Yes, they will have a story. May I just say that Roam is a LOT like his father at times—totally clueless. Fortunately, Spring is a lot like her mum!

  42. Sharon Knecht says:

    When will the leopard and the lioness be coming out

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Sharon. I’m working on a few stories first. It will probably be either late, late this year or next year. It depends on how much I can get my butt in gear!

  43. Kathy Snellen says:

    When will your new release calender be ready. Can I buy audio of song you wrote for The Love of Tia? I Keep playing it on UTube. Absolutely love it and the singer. Do you have any more songs you wrote for your books?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Kathy! Thank you so much!! Yes, Two Hearts Forever, the song I wrote for Tia’s story is available in my store and will soon be available on iTunes, Spotify, and others. I’ve also written When I See You for the Beast Prince which I absolutely adore. It is also available on in my store and will be available on iTunes, Spotify, and more as well.

  44. Sylvia says:

    Hi there!

    Will there be any more books to come out to any of your series? I know its been a really long time since any of the other series got a new release so just wanted to know if they will be continued.

    Thank you????

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Sylvia. Yes, I’m working on Adalard’s story now. Once I finish his story I’ll be writing Jarmen’s then Rorrak’s from my Lords of Kassis and Zion series. Those are my immediate stories.

  45. Katherine says:

    What happened to the second chance series, I was looking forward to the book about Dalla

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Katherine. I’m going to have to break down and write Dalla’s story. Her story keeps playing over and over in my head.

  46. Cheri says:

    Hello, you’re a great writer. I love all of your books that have been mentioned, and am looking forward to the ones coming out. But what i’m really looking out for is more of the cosmo’s storys. When is raz’s warrior woman coming out and more??

    1. admin says:

      Thank you so much for sharing with Susan. She reads all the comments and will see yours! but she is head down in writing at the moment, so I am responding to comments on her behalf.
      Susan will be writing more Cosmos’ Gateway stories although there are a few stories that need to be told before Raz’s. Her next book out is Adalard’s story, The Dark Prince’s Prize, from the Curizan series.
      Cheers Narelle

  47. Jean says:

    Is Rorrack from Warriors of Zion getting a book?

    1. admin says:

      Hi, Jean. Yes, Rorrack is getting his own book. Susan is currently completing Adalard’s story in the Dark Prince’s Prize: Curizan Warriors Book 2. Then plans on writing Jarmin’s Jane Doe: Lords of Kassis Book 5 and Rorrak’s Revenge: Zion Warriors Book 3.
      Cheers, Narelle

      1. Millie says:

        To be honest, I’ve been disappointed too. I love her books & have all of them. You talk about being understanding, but a simple I’ve got things happening in my life that is delaying books I’ve promised is all that is needed. Silence is never good & that’s what we’ve been getting. Thanks for your response though to Lenore’s comment. At least we know it’s still coming at sone point.

  48. Lenore Howarth says:

    Obviously, you do not keep your word on what books you will publish. Yes, I like your books too. You may be bored with a series, but at least be honest with your readers. There is no Jarmen’s Jane Doe is there. Its not visible anywhere. Although Madas’ s story is nice, its not what you promised in past novels.

    1. admin says:

      Hi Lenore. Susan is head down writing a book at the moment so I am responding to comments on her behalf.
      I’m sorry you feel let down that Susan has not been releasing books at the same pace as she did in the past. I hate waiting too and feel your pain! But have you considered there may be a good reason for that and an encouraging word might be just what is needed? Jarmen’s story will be released.
      Cheers Narelle

  49. Erica Skinner says:

    Hi i only see dates for old released books i was wondering if their was a release date for Jags Target in the allience series?

    1. admin says:

      Hi Erica. There’s no release date yet for Jag’s Target but it is percolating in Susan’s brain.

  50. Mary Bodden says:

    Hi Susan,

    Love your books.

    Can you say when Roarrk’s Revenge will be out?

    Thank you,
    Mary Bodden

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      I’m almost finished with Jarmen’s Jane Doe which means Rorrak’s is next! I’m looking forward to being back in Gracie’s world. I will be hiking the Appalachian trail over the next 6-7 months with my hubby. We are doing a mind/body reset for me so I can get healthy and kick out more great stories. I figure this will also give me more ideas. My hope (after I get my trail legs) is that I can write at night after we set up camp.

  51. Kenet says:

    Good day, I hope you are yours are doing well. I would like to tell you how much I enjoy your story telling abilities. I get pulled into every series and want to know what comes next…now! But I know it takes time to put your thoughts down on paper, computer screen, tablet etc. Then have it proof read, edited then published. I look forward to your next installments be it the Alliance, Valder, Sarafin, Curizan, Marastin, Dragonlings, Lord’s of Kassis, Zion, or Cosmos Gateway series. No I’m not forgetting Magic NM, Gliese 581, Heaven Sent, or any of your other series. Times have been tough lately for so many individuals and I wanted to take the time to wish you and yours well.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Kenet, Thank you so much! I’m writing up a storm, though I seem to be slower than before. I am taking some time off this summer to hit the reset button on my mind and body. I have to if I want to keep writing. My hubby and I are hiking the Appalachian trail starting March 23, 2022 and hope to do the entire thing (2194 miles in all). This means a lot of walking… and yes, we are backpacking and tent camping the entire way. I’m imagining tons more stories to come. I will be (hopefully) doing some writing while I’m on the trail. I need this so much. They say sitting is the new smoking and being an author means I sit WAY too much. Expect to see some of my adventures in my books!

      1. KiruChan says:

        I am seeing this comment on 8/31/2022 and I know what you are saying about sitting too much but I know there are many dangers on this trail and i hope you made it through the trail safely. If nothing else I would love it if you could let us know that you are safe. I love your ability to create really awesome, strong, and bad ass heroines and I am really, REALLY, looking forward to Jag’s Target and I hope someday you do a book about Trig and Beth.

        1. S.E. Smith says:

          Hi Kiru. I’m trying to stay safe. The rocks are winning at the moment. My hubby says he needs to wrap me in bubble wrap. I’m not a graceful faller. 😂 I have plans to write both jag’s story and Trig and Beth’s. It may take a while, but I’ll get them done!

  52. Traci Dawn Cole says:

    How soon until Jarmin’s Jane Doe: Lords of Kassis Book 5 comes out? Love all your books! Thank you for sharing your talents.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Traci. Susan is looking to release Jarmin’s Jane Doe towards the end of 2022. Cheers Narelle

  53. Dorrit says:

    When will The Leopard and the Lioness of the Sarafin series coming out?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Dorrit. I don’t have a release date as yet. I have a lot of stories I’m working on. At the moment, I’m taking it one story at a time. Okay, maybe two, but that is my limit at the moment. LOL.

  54. Veronica Lynn Austin says:

    Do you have a release calendar for 2023

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      I’m working on a release calendar for this year. I do know that Katie and the Warrior King is coming out February 28, 2023 and Jarmen’s Jane Doe is coming out March 28, 2023!

  55. Draca says:

    Hi when is jags target coming out? Or is it only available in USA?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Draca. I haven’t released Jag’s story yet. I’ll be working on his story this year. <3

  56. Amanda says:

    Hi there, I was wondering if you still planned to publish Honor Bound? I have really enjoyed the other three books.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Yep! They are on my short list!

  57. Amanda says:

    Hi there, I was wondering if you still planned to publish Honor Bound? I have really enjoyed the other three books.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Amanda. Yes, I plan on writing the last two books in this series. They are on my short list. <3

  58. Kristi Perry says:

    Are you still planning to finish the Zion warrior series? When life sucks it is a happy place I go to.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Make sure you check out my November Issue! I have a special Zion Day-in-the-Life story for Halloween!

  59. Isis says:

    Any news on the Gliese 581 series?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      LOL. I’m writing. Soon… I hope! It is in the works!

  60. Katheryn Wildes says:

    I have bought almost all of your audio books and have probably listened to all of them more than 5 or more times. Biggest lesson, keep the car window rolled up when stopping in traffic during the more heated parts. Let’s just say I got a few looks. I wish I could get a hold of some hard copies with your signature that would be awesome. 12-14-23

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      I’ve done the same thing. I’m not sure if seeing the expression on strangers’ faces is more embarrassing than seeing my hubby’s! LOL.

  61. James P says:

    Is Dust storms dead in the water or is it still a thing ?

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi James. Dust Storms is not dead in the water. I’m working on three different books at the moment trying to catch up. Dust is on my list. In fact, my son was asking me about it the other day. LOL. That is always a great motivator to get off my butt and start writing it.

  62. cheri wallace says:

    Hi, Hope your doing great. I love your stories. In May of 2023 I ended up in the hospital with my leg amputated. So I was able to catch up with all your and alanea alder stories. Im waiting on more of cosmo stories and the others, i love them all.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Cheri. It is wonderful to hear from you. I’m glad Alanea and I were able to bring you some comfort. I’m working on additional stories. Did you catch two of my Cosmos’ stories in my magazine? I’ll be releasing them in a boxed set as well shortly if you haven’t. It will make them easier to read.

  63. Suzyplums says:

    Hi, I just finished The Alliance books series. Are you still going to bring out more books in this series and will they in audio too please?

    I’m off to play with the dragons.

    1. S.E. Smith says:

      Hi Suzy, I will be continuing The Alliance series although I do not have a release date. All of the books are in audio so you can enjoy listening to them as well as reading them.

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