Our Dragonlings, Roam and Alice and their families are off to the beach celebrating the last days of summer, sea and surf.
Our Dragonlings, Roam and Alice and their families are off to the beach celebrating the last days of summer, sea and surf.
The barbeque is ready, the umbrellas are up, now we just need you to come and join the fun! I hope you enjoy this short story with our favorite characters from the Dragon Lords of Valdier, Dragonlings of Valdier, Curizan Warriors, Sarafin Warriors series. Happy summer, everyone!
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I have signed up for the newsletter multiple times, but I am not receiving the confirmation email. So I am not able to receive the newsletter for some reason.
I’ll take a look and see what is going on! Email me at sesmithfl@gmail.com.
I am already on ur email list but never got this book. I would love it please!
Hi Sarah. Here you go! https://sesmithfl.com/A-Dragonlings-day-at-the-Beach/
Love to have the fun adventures of the dragons.Really enjoyed all of their antics. Would love to have more stories of dragons. Are you writing any more .
Hi Vera. Look for Searching for Thanksgiving in Festive Fates! You’ll get to see all your dragon friends there. It comes out November 30th!
I so therely enjoy all of the dragon stories and wish to add to my collection. Would love to see and read this one. Vera in Va
You can read it here! https://sesmithfl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/A-Dragonlings-Day-at-the-Beach-revised3.pdf