The world for my Pets in Space story took a turn after I began writing it, looping back around to one of my favorite and most beloved stories: Gracie’s Touch: Zion Warriors Book 1. This story actually begins five years before the Alluthan invasion. Gracie actually makes a cameo appearance in the story. Here is a little bit more about A Mate for Matrix. #PoweredByIndie
Susan–Just watched your facetime about Pets in Space and now really can’t wait until tomorrow — also noted that Destins’ story is coming out in Feb–also the next Genisis how you do it is beyond me but as one of your biggest fan I sincerely hope that you keep it up. Glad Matthew didn’t hit you and all is well–thanks as always for the many hours of reading pleasure you’ve given me and all your fans. Take care. Jane.
Thank you, Jane! Luckily, the only mess is outside and can be cleaned up. I love sharing the stories in my head.