Interview With Cara Bristol

Author Spotlight with Cara Bristol

Cara Bristol writes wonderful cyborg sci-fi romances (amongst other books) and is one of my co-authors in the upcoming Pets in Space 2 anthology. Cara and I sat down for a chat about all things cyborgs and writing:
Q.  Tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been writing? What genre do you write?
A.  I’ve written in one form or another all my life, but being an author is my dream job. There isn’t anything in the whole world I would rather do. I had my first erotic romance published in 2009, and since then I’ve written/published twenty-seven books. I’ve been writing erotic science fiction romance for a while, but I got my start with spanking romance. Before I became an author, I worked in public relations and journalism. My husband and I live in Missouri, USA. When I’m not writing, I enjoy reading and traveling. My secret vice is watching reality TV shows. I’m a fan of Survivor and the Real Housewives.
Q.  What inspired you to write your first book?
A.  I’m a life-long romance reader, and I’ve always had an active imagination. I wrote my first erotic romance solely for personal amusement—I was playing, not intending to do anything with it, but when I finished it, I submitted it to a publisher, it was accepted, and the rest is history!
Q.  You’ve been writing about cyborgs. What inspired that?
A.  Eve Langlais’s “More Than Machines” series inspired me. I fell in love with her cyborgs and had to create my own. To me, cyborgs represent the perfect alpha hero: powerful, strong, muscular, smart, yet there is something vulnerable about them, too. My cyborgs belong to a covert paramilitary force called Cyber Operations — Cy-Ops for short. They fight against terrorism in the galaxy. The Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance series motto is: “Saving the girl and the galaxy one mission at a time.” Each book in the series is standalone. Four have been published; two more are planned.
Q.  Where/When do you do the most of your writing?
A.  I have my own office with a nice window that overlooks a wooded area. I often see squirrels, rabbits, and deer outside. I’m usually at the computer by 5:30 a.m., and I work until 4 p.m. (with breaks for exercise, showering & lunch). About half my time is devoted to writing, the other half to non-writing publishing tasks. When I’m working on a first draft, writing takes priority over everything else. I set daily word count goals and don’t quit until I reach it.
Q.  What do you think has been your biggest accomplishment?
A.  Hitting the USA Today Bestseller list was really cool, but in all honesty I feel like my biggest accomplishment is that I earn a living through writing. Many aspiring writers and published authors haven’t been able to break out of hobby mode. I feel very fortunate to earn my living doing what I love.
Q.  What series/book did you write that has the biggest following?
A.  Breeder, the first book of the Breeder science fiction romance series, had the greatest number of sales of any book I’ve ever written, but the Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance series about cyborgs is picking up steam. It may surpass Breeder!

Stranded with the Cyborg:

Q.  Describe your latest WIP.
A.  The working title of my WIP is “Married to the Cyborg,” and it is a spin-off from Stranded with the Cyborg, the first Cy-Ops Sci-fi Romance. I’m writing it as a thank you gift for my newsletter subscribers. It will not be published anywhere, but will be given to subscribers for free. They’ll get to see what happened to the hero and heroine after their book ended. You don’t have to be familiar with the series to enjoy Married to the Cyborg, but if you have read the series, you’ll probably like seeing what the characters are up to now. Anyone who subscribes to my newsletter will be able to download it for free.

Q.  How can readers reach you?
A.  Readers can reach me at:

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