1. Tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been writing? What genre do you write?
I’ve been writing (as an adult) for 13 years. I wrote as a child, but stopped in high school to concentrate on my studies. I’ve been published for seven years. I write romance, mostly paranormal but with a little sci-fi and fantasy and contemporary for variety. I like to try out new things and the different genres let me do that.
2. What inspired you to write your first book?
The very first one I wrote (that lives in the back of a cupboard) was a tale of forbidden love with a vampire hero. It was actually more of an urban fantasy than a romance. I can’t remember where the idea for that story came from. The first book that was published was An Elemental Tail and that came from a dream where I was handed a very old book made out of mermaid skin.
3. Where do you get your inspiration from?
Everywhere! I read nonfiction and fiction. I love books about lost or ancient civilizations. Fragments of ideas will tumble around for ages before clumping together into something that can be turned into a story. Sometimes the point of inspiration is clear, other times it’s an assortment of what ifs.
4. Where/When do you do the most of your writing?
I write while the kids are at school, and while I have a desk I move around. Over Christmas I did some of my best writing on the sofa in the shadow of the Christmas tree. I read something about runners getting better times when surrounded by nature, so maybe I type faster when near a tree?
5. What do you think has been your biggest accomplishment?
Staying published. This business can be very hard. Signing one contract is no guarantee of getting another.
6. What series/book did you write that has the biggest following.
The Shadowlands. It was my first novel and print series and that really helped me get my name out there.
7. Do you have a favorite author?
I have lots of favorite authors. I’m loving Marie Brennan’s Memoires of Lady Trent series (regencyesque fantasy), Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files. Katie McGarry’s Thunder Road series and Deborah Blakes Baba Yaga/Rider series.
8. Do you have any advice for other authors?
Read in the genre you want to write in and read widely. Also just keep going. What’s hot now will change in six to twelve months. You just have to keep writing.
9. Is there a particular niche or direction you would like to expand your writing portfolio into?
I have just branched out under another pen name as I wanted to start writing urban fantasy. I didn’t want to use the same name as Shona Husk writes romance and there is a guaranteed HEA at the end, with urban fantasy it will take a few books and I didn’t want to break that promise to my romance readers.
10. Describe your latest WIP
Lady of Silver is paranormal romance, with a dose of suspense. There’s an evil vampire, a human cop who discovers there’s more to the world than he ever thought possible and a woman who is part of a dying race of magic users. It’s the first book in the series and while they stand alone there is an overarching plot. I like my series to have an end, and a common thread.
11. How can readers reach you?
I’m on twitter and facebook and goodreads, or they can subscribe to my newsletter if they just want to keep up with my new releases.
SHONA HUSK is the author of the Shadowlands, Blood and Silver, and the Face the Music series. You can find out more information about Shona at www.shonahusk.com or follow her on Twitter @ShonaHusk, Facebook www.facebook.com/shonahusk or join her newsletter: http://mad.ly/signups/119074/join