First off I’d like to give a huge thank you to S.E. Smith for having me….I feel so honored and blessed to have to have her friendship and inspiration. S.E., you are phenomenal, and you have my love and congratulations on reaching the NY Times and USA Today’s Best Sellers lists (again) and for winning Best Sci Fi Book 2014 in the Kindle Hub Awards. Here’s to the many great things to come!
Now on to me….
I released my first book in 2010 and it’s been quite the ride ever since. I write fantasy/paranormal and time travel romance, and very recently tried my hand at my first sci-fi romance, with my newest release HUNTER. My ‘other job’ is being lead singer and keyboardist (and songwriter) for the musical act NORTH 2 SOUTH and when I’m not writing books you’ll find me entertaining on stages large and small in and around the Tampa Bay area close to home.
I love writing fantasy and ‘fairy tale’ types of stories with an interesting twist that takes the reader completely away into another world….and I love my stories to include themes of spiritual and personal growth for my characters because of the relationships and the love they experience. Oh, yeah…and there’s always plenty of sizzle to steam up the windows a little. LOL! 😉
In 2013 my book BLOOD FROM A STONE (a story of an ancient curse that turned a man into a gargoyle and his quest to recapture his humanity through love) was a quarter finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards and it was nominated for a RONE Award and was a finalist for Best Paranormal. Last year was also a really busy and fun year with the release of SMOKE & MIRRORZ which is a fairy tale romance about a Jinn (a genie) working as a carny here in the human world who saves a woman from a brutal abuser. I brought absolutely gorgeous model Grigoris Drakakis over from Greece to shoot the cover (you may recognize him from Best Selling Author Katie McAllister’s Much Ado About Vampires) and we also made a cinematic trailer for it. And in a bold move at age 50, I appeared with him on both the cover and in the trailer. Watch it:
Um…well, I guess that sort of makes me the world’s oldest romance cover model. LOL! But I figured perhaps it would help empower other women to realize that you too can have courage to believe in yourself and be whatever you’d like to be…no matter what your age…and MOST OF ALL: that you are ALL beautiful no matter your age, size, shape or ethnicity.
Anyway, thank you all so much for taking the time to get to know me a little and I hope to get to know some of you on my sites!! I LOVE interacting with new readers and making new friends….and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful community of readers to share stories and fun with. I hope some of you will visit me, check out my books….and if you’ve read them, PLEASE leave reviews on my Amazon pages, as this is the greatest gift to us authors…it not only helps us know what stories you like the most, but also helps other readers find us. Wishing you all a beautiful and blessed year…and S.E., again, I thank you SO much. You are truly an inspiration.
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