The Dark Prince’s Prize

The Dark Prince’s Prize

Curizan Warriors, Book 2

This time nothing can prevent him from claiming his prize—except the prize herself.

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Royal Flush…

Prince Adalard Ha’darra’s mission is simple—stay out of trouble while on Earth. His plans to enjoy his time with a few pleasurable distractions change when his transport is sabotaged, forcing him to land miles from Paul Grove’s remote ranch. When a stranger stops to give him a lift to his destination, he sees the colors of her aura and is stunned to discover his mate!

Samara Lee-Stephens has lived with the Lee-Stephens curse her entire life. Determined to break it, she focuses on earning enough money to one day leave her family’s reputation behind. She is furious when her stupid brothers drag her into their messed up lives—by losing her in a poker game!

As if her life wasn’t complicated enough, she soon finds herself fascinated by the Grove ranch’s newest client who claims to be an alien prince!

Adalard and Samara discover that time may change them, but not their enemies. Can Adalard and Samara survive the challenges that threaten to tear them apart, or will their enemies succeed despite the precautions and sacrifices they’ve taken?


Samara glanced at the clock on her phone and muttered under her breath. She hated being late. A quick call to Mason before she lost signal helped ease a little of the tension she was feeling. Still, it burned that her family issues had interfered with her job. It reminded her too much of her brothers and they were the last people she wanted to be compared to.
She frowned when she saw someone walking along the edge of the road. They were in the middle of nowhere. It was six miles from town and another six miles to Casper Mountain.

She slowed and crossed the double yellow line as she passed the man. He didn’t look like a hiker. His long hair ruled out his being one of Mr. G’s military guys that came for training.

“He looks more like a biker who lost his bike,” she said with a shake of her head as she thought of the number of city folk who didn’t understand Wyoming weather.

Fat snowflakes struck the windshield. She glanced in the mirror again. The guy wasn’t dressed for cold weather. Up at this elevation and especially this time of year, there was always the chance of a sudden snowstorm.

She silently cursed her tender heart. “He better not be a serial killer,” she growled as she pulled off the road and waited for him to catch up.

She kept her eyes glued to the rearview mirror and impatiently drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. A moment of self-doubt filled her when she got a closer look at him, and she bit her bottom lip in indecision. She had to force her foot to stay on the brake pedal even though her sense of survival was screaming for her to go.

It would be rude to give the guy hope of a ride then take off like a jackrabbit with a coyote on its tail, she silently admonished.

Yeah, but at least the jackrabbit is smart enough to run, you idiot!

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  1. Karen Mclean says:

    Love all these books.

  2. briana patten says:

    Love these books. Though I wanted to ask a question – at the end of this book you brought in the girl from when Sara and Emma were rescued. Where or when will that story continue?? Would love to find out what she needs help with that she would go looking for the dragons.

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