Cara Truman is a pint-size pistol whose inquisitive nature has gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion. Her next adventure takes her further than she even expected when she ends up on a journey out of this world.
Cara Truman is a pint-size pistol whose inquisitive nature has gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion. Her next adventure takes her further than she even expected when she ends up on a journey out of this world.
Trelon Reykill thought he had his hands full. A militant group of Curizans had captured his brother Zoran, he was busy trying to fortify the Valdier defenses against the Sarafin Warriors, and his dragon was roaring for him to find a mate. He was furious about the first, excited about the second, and pissed about the last. The last thing he expects to find on the primitive planet his brother has taken refuge on is his true mate.
Now, he has a whole new set of problems…capturing Cara long enough to make her his. His symbiosis loves her, his dragon wants her, and he can’t catch her. On top of all that, someone is trying to kill her.
His solution: Capture Cara and love her so well she will never want to escape him – if he can.
“What have you done to my living quarters?” Trelon asked in horror. He started to enter the room when his foot hit something. Looking down his eyes narrowed. Was that his clothing sanitizer? His gaze jumped to another part he thought he recognized. His vidcom system was in a million pieces. When he saw the parts cloner he had practically had to fight a Sarafin warrior to the death for at his last visit to their galaxy, he almost started to cry. It was totally dismantled.
“You…” Trelon began looking helplessly around his living space.
“You…”“Yes?” Cara asked innocently, looking around at all the treasures she had found. “You guys have some of the coolest stuff here. Look at this! I found it in the back of a panel in the other room. It plays some type of videos or something I think. I figured if it was in the back behind the clothes it wasn’t being used, so I took it apart so I could use some of the components to…”
Trelon didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as she held up what was left of his PVC, better known as a Personal Virtual Companion. All warriors had one, especially for long voyages with no females. Yes, it played video. It played thousands of virtual videos that made long, lonely voyages possible, and she had taken his apart.