Cornering Carmen: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 5

Cornering Carmen

Dragon Lords of Valdier, Book 5

Can Creon convince Carmen to give love a second chance before she risks everything – including her life – for revenge?

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Carmen Walker has spent the last three years of her life focusing on avenging the murder of her husband. Following leads to the man responsible, she finally has a chance to bring closure to the overwhelming pain and grief that is slowly eating away at her. Catching a ride on the business jet her sister is co-piloting, she heads to California to meet with her informant. Plans change when one of the women on board is kidnapped when they land and Carmen is mortally wounded. She wakes to find herself on board an alien warship heading to a distant world.

Creon Reykill’s skills as a warrior are legendary among the Valdier. He is credited with ending the wars between the Valdier and the Cruizan and Sarafin worlds and building a strong alliance with their former enemies. But, that victory came at a cost. Creon has given up hope of ever finding his true mate, believing his soul is too dark to ever be gifted with one.

That all changes when a small, delicate female unlike anything he has ever seen before is brought to his world. The moment he sees her, he knows she belongs to him. His dragon will do anything to claim her, his symbiot will do anything to protect her, and he would do anything to chase the shadows from her eyes. For he knows he has found the light to his darkness.

Now, the challenge will be to corner her long enough for her to realize he is the only one in the universe who can heal her shattered heart. She will fight him at every turn to return home to finish what she has started. He will do everything in his power to keep her by his side. It will take every skill he possesses to stay one step ahead of her.

Can he convince her to give love a second chance before she risks everything – including her life – for revenge?


He hadn’t taken more than three steps into the room when he felt something wrap around his ankles, lifting him up so rapidly he didn’t have time to react. Before he knew it, he was hanging upside down, staring into a pair of glittering dark brown and gold eyes. A pair of very proud and very determined brown and gold eyes attached to an equally proud and determined female dragon who had white scales edged with reds, pinks, and purples. She twisted her neck and tilted her head until she was looking at him while he hung suspended in the air from her tail.

“You discovered your dragon,” Creon said, fighting the grin, trying to break free as his mate looked at him as if wondering if she wanted to drop him on his head or gobble him up. A puff of heated breath answered his observation.

“I suspect you discovered more than your dragon,” he murmured as she lifted him up higher so she could look him in the eye easier. A low growl followed by a snort answered that observation as well. He eyed her warily as she turned her head to look around the room. His eyes followed hers. He saw that all the furniture had been pushed to one side, giving her more room to maneuver in her dragon form. He started getting a little nervous when she began swinging him back and forth.

“Carmen, I can explain,” he started to say just before he felt himself going airborne.

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  1. Leyene says:

    When will The Lord of kassis book reluctant empress be out ?

    1. admin says:

      Leyene, I don’t have a release date yet for Risteard’s Unwilling Empress but it sure will be interesting to see how Ricki manages Risteard. I think she will give him a run for his money!

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