One human woman’s determination stretches across the star systems in a race to save the alien warrior who has captured her heart.
Dagger is a Trivator warrior. He is known for his dark and dangerous edge, making him the perfect warrior for impossible missions. He fears nothing, until he meets a young, delicate human female who wakens his heart. Her gentle touch, soft voice, and her shy sense of humor touch him in a way he never thought could happen. The thought of anything harming something so beautiful and fragile fills him with terror.
Jordan Sampson is slowly adjusting to her new life on a strange planet far away from war-torn Earth. She had been seventeen when she was brought to the Trivator’s home world of Rathon along with her older sister, Jesse, and younger sister, Taylor. Fear, confusion, and uncertainty of what the future holds threaten to drown her as she tries to fit in. There is only one hope that keeps her going. It is the handsome alien male that stirs something deep inside her and makes her feel whole.
When Dagger is captured during a mission and sold to the illegal Fight Rings, it is only the memory of Jordan that keeps him going. Time blurs as he slowly sinks deeper and deeper into a world of violence and pain until he becomes more animal than Trivator.
Jordan knows Dagger is out there, somewhere. She can feel him in her heart. The heart she gave to him the first time he held her protectively in his arms. When she discovers where he is being held, she refuses to let anything stop her from rescuing him. What Jordan doesn’t realize is that she has been Dagger’s hope during his captivity. The one thing that holds the thin thread to his sanity.
The fight to save Dagger takes Jordan on a journey that she hopes they both survive. The star system is a dangerous place for a young human female and a damaged Trivator warrior. Can Jordan reach Dagger in time, and if she does, can she heal his shattered soul?
Jordan felt tears burning her eyes as she stepped out from under the canopy. She walked over to the crystal clear pool of water and stared down into it. She saw her reflection. The water shimmered and rippled, but she could make out her father’s hazel eyes that she had inherited and her mother’s small nose and full lips.She had a scattering of freckles across her nose from playing outside in the sun and had never quite lost them after that. She wasn’t beautiful, like Dagger said. Raising her hand, she smoothed back her hair when it blew in front of her face. When she looked again, Dagger was standing beside her, gazing down at their images.
“So much has happened, to both of us,” she reflected quietly. “When I look at my reflection, I still see my mom and dad. It gives me strength, knowing that they are still with me, in my heart, a part of who I am.”
“What do you see when you look at me, Jordan?” Dagger asked in a somber voice. “Do you see the scars of a warrior? Do you see the heart of a killer?”
Jordan smiled and tears blurred her vision for a brief moment. “I see a man, a warrior, who came out of the darkness and carried me away from the cold. I see a man who warms my heart and makes me feel safe.” She turned and took a step closer to him. Raising a hand to his right cheek, she ran her fingers tenderly along the scar.
“I see a man who I would follow to the ends of the universe because he makes me feel complete. I see you, Dagger, and I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life.” Tears glistened in Dagger’s eyes as he stared down a Jordan. The beast that feared to trust, that fought to survive, calmed inside him as his mate, his Amate, touched him with the warmth of her love and healed his battered soul. His throat worked up and down before he closed his eyes and pulled her into his embrace, holding her like he would never let her go, and he wouldn’t. She was the reason he had lived. She was his hope.
LOVED IT! Counting down the days until it is released!
Thank you, Ashlei! I love Dagger and Jordan’s story!
I can’t wait!!! I love the teasers you’ve been putting out also! And good luck to your meeting with a producer for Hunters Claim!!!
With love from Hawai’i!!
Thank you, Kaysha! I know the teasers drive some crazy, but I love sharing tidbits into the lives of the characters.
So I finished the book today. I am so in love with this story. It is much different then the first two but I think it needed to be.
Started reading at 4am just finished at 10:15am. Would have finished sooner but apparently I had to be an adult today and get the kids ready for school and get ready for work. 🙂
LOL. I know the feeling. Tantrums just don’t look as good on us as they do the kids. Yes, Jordan and Dagger’s story needed to be written differently as it was important to what was happening to them. I try to go with the ‘voice’ of each book and character. As different as each person is, so are they. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! Thank you kids too, for their patience!
I Really Enjoyed This Book And The Other books In The series,,, Cannot wait For Sabers Story,,, Please Dont Make Us Wait Long!!!!!!!
I’ll do the best I can. I’m working on Viper’s Defiant Mate: Sarafin Warriors Book 2. I know I have a lot of series going, but I’m finding out there is a reason for it as many will intersect with each other to build an even larger universe.
Loved the book. Looking forward to Viper’s story. When is the likely release?
Hi, Ipsita, I’m looking at an end of May, early June release. I’ll have a more definite date in a couple of weeks!
Another awesome book congratulations, although I think you should have been alot higher than 20 on the list “No.1” would have been more appropriate … LOL
Thanks Jacqui!
So to say Im hooked on you is too put it mildly. You are an amazing writer. I’ve read all your series in two weeks and i was never disappointed. I can honestly I am now junkie and I need another book to get my fix. I love all your characters and the way you weave these stories, not to mention these series. The magic you give is a gift. Cannot wait for Saber’s story as well as all the other stories to come. Thank you so much for giving everyone the gift of your writing. Please never stop writing. I am now your follower!! 🙂
Hi Carla. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! The gift of a positive comment and review is the best gift a reader can give an author. Just a minute of your time really does make a difference. If not for readers like you, I would have never continued to publish my stories. So thank you for taking the time to share your appreciation! <3 <3 <3